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NBA 2K25

Best Shooting Guard Build Guide in NBA 2K25

Sep-30-2024 PST

In NBA 2K25, the shooting guard position is the second most popular choice for Myteam builds after the point guard. And for good reason — shooting guards can score from anywhere on the floor, manage the offense, and play lockdown defense. This versatility makes them a critical asset in both single-player and multiplayer modes.


Whether you’re looking to carry your team with your scoring or lock down opposing guards, the shooting guard build in NBA 2K25 needs to excel in both offense and defense. Let’s dive into creating the ultimate shooting guard build that will dominate on both sides of the ball.


Why Choose a Shooting Guard Build?


Shooting guards in NBA 2K25 are much more than just scorers. The modern-day shooting guard needs to be a field general, capable of directing the flow of the game like a point guard, while also being lethal from three-point range and solid in driving to the basket. However, they also must be excellent defenders, as they will likely be matched up against other highly skilled offensive guards.


This build focuses on creating a well-rounded shooting guard who can shoot lights out, create their shot, and play elite perimeter defense. It will allow you to take over games offensively, while also shutting down opposing guards on defense.


Build Template: Height, Weight, and Wingspan


The first step in creating this build is selecting the appropriate physical template. The height, weight, and wingspan of your player will impact their playstyle and attributes, so it’s essential to get these right.


Height: 6'5"

Weight: 235 lbs

Wingspan: 6'9"


This combination provides the perfect balance of size, strength, and agility. A 6'5" shooting guard can shoot over smaller defenders while maintaining enough quickness to keep up with fast point guards. The 6'9" wingspan enhances your defensive capabilities, allowing you to contest shots and disrupt passing lanes. Meanwhile, the 235 lbs weight gives your player the necessary strength to finish at the rim and hold their ground defensively.


Attribute Allocation


The key to a great shooting guard build in NBA 2K25 is a well-rounded attribute distribution that covers scoring, playmaking, and defense.


Here’s the breakdown of how to allocate your attribute points:


Close Shot: 68

Driving Layup: 71

Driving Dunk: 65

Standing Dunk: 68

Post Control: 36

Mid-range Shot: 83

Three-Point Shot: 93

Free Throw: 81

Pass Accuracy: 61

Ball Handle: 86

Speed with Ball: 75

Interior Defense: 54

Perimeter Defense: 92

Steal: 94

Block: 67

Offensive Rebound: 25

Defensive Rebound: 52

Speed: 87

Agility: 80

Strength: 71

Vertical: 57


Scoring Attributes


With a 93 three-point shot and 83 mid-range, this build is designed to be a deadly shooter from anywhere on the floor. Whether you’re pulling up from deep or hitting shots off the dribble, your shooting guard will be a consistent scoring threat.


While this build focuses more on shooting, it doesn’t neglect finishing inside the paint. A 71 driving layup and 68 close shots ensure that you can still convert when driving to the rim. The 65 driving dunk also adds enough athleticism to perform some flashy finishes.


Playmaking Attributes


For playmaking, you’ll want your shooting guard to be competent with the ball. With an 86 ball handle and 75 speed with the ball, this build allows you to dribble effectively, break down defenders, and create shots for yourself and your teammates.


The 61 pass accuracy may not seem like much, but it’s enough for making basic passes in pick-and-roll situations or kicking out to open teammates. However, since playmaking is more closely associated with point guards, this build leans heavily on scoring and defense.


Defensive Attributes


A shooting guard’s ability to play defense is just as crucial as their offensive capabilities, and this build doesn’t compromise in that area. A 92 perimeter defense and 94 steal rating make your player a lockdown defender. You’ll be able to stay in front of your opponent and rip the ball from their hands, making your shooting guard a defensive force.


Physical Attributes


This build also emphasizes speed and agility with 87 speed and 80 agility, giving your shooting guard the quickness needed to beat defenders off the dribble and stay in front of opposing guards. The 71 strength allows your player to absorb contact when driving to the rim, while the 57 vertical isn’t sky-high, but it’s sufficient for contesting shots and grabbing rebounds in traffic.




Badges are critical in NBA 2K25, as they enhance your attributes and unlock your player’s full potential. Here’s a list of the most important badges for this shooting guard build:


Tier 1 Badges:


  • Ankle Assassin (Bronze, Silver): Improves your ability to break down defenders and create space for shots.

  • Challenger (Bronze, Silver, Gold): Helps you contest shots more effectively, especially on the perimeter.

  • Deadeye (Bronze, Silver, Gold): Reduces the impact of a defender closing out on your jump shot, essential for this build.

  • Limitless Range (Bronze, Silver, Gold): Extends your range beyond the three-point line, making you a threat from deep.

  • Glove (Bronze, Silver, Gold, HOF): Enhances your ability to steal the ball from ball handlers.

  • Handles For Days (Bronze, Silver): Lets you dribble for longer periods without losing stamina.

  • Interceptor (Bronze, Silver, Gold, HOF): Increases your ability to grab steals in passing lanes.


Tier 2 Badges:


  • Dimer (Bronze): Increases the shot percentage for teammates on catch-and-shoot opportunities when you pass to them.

  • Off-Ball Pest (Bronze, Silver, Gold, HOF): This makes it harder for your opponent to shake you off when they don’t have the ball.

  • Slippery Off-Ball (Bronze, Silver, Gold): Improves your ability to get open off screens and evade defenders.


These badges focus on scoring, playmaking, and defense, allowing your shooting guard to shine in every aspect of the game.




In NBA 2K25, takeovers give players the ability to activate temporary boosts. Here are the recommended takeovers for this shooting guard build:


  • Fluid Shooter: Improves shooting ability from all areas of the court.

  • Spot-Up Shooter: Enhances your catch-and-shoot opportunities, making you even more dangerous from deep.

  • Pickpocket: Boosts your ability to steal the ball.

  • Middy Maestro: Increases the accuracy of your mid-range shots.


These takeovers will allow you to take over a game both offensively and defensively, ensuring your shooting guard is a true two-way threat.


Final Thoughts: Customizing the Build


While this shooting guard offers a solid foundation, every player’s style is different. You may want to tweak the attributes, badges, or takeovers to better suit your preferences. Some players might want to focus more on driving and finishing, while others may prefer to improve their playmaking. There’s no one-size-fits-all build in NBA 2K25, but this guide provides a great starting point for players looking to dominate the game as a shooting guard.


Take your time to grind out attributes and unlock the highest tiers for badges. The result will be a shooting guard that can dominate both ends of the floor, leading your team to victory.


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