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NBA 2K22 MyTeam: Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Apr-04-2022 PST

MyTeam isn't an accessible mode to master. This is why we've compiled a list of how to get the most out of the possible use of the mode in Basketball 2K22.

MyTeam Mode and Rewards

MyTeam is the game mode that lets you explore and play with an array of players that can fit your style of play. The general management skills will be tested with this game mode in NBA 2K22; however, even though the challenges, it will also provide lots of fun due to the numerous options of cards you can choose from. Here are a few suggestions you might consider to help your MyTeam journey:

Grind domination

The initial season of MyTeam Domination is a very strenuous experience as it requires the players 66 victories to achieve 198 stars. Despite the amount of time given to domination, however, the rewards of finishing the game are enormous since the players are great in any game, especially multiplayer games.

Alongside players, there are Coins, tokens, and NBA 2K22 MT to be earned; either you can also Buy MT 2K22 from a trusted store like NBA2king, which will allow you to purchase more powerful players through the auction house. Dominance could be a method to complete the XP challenges every season, which can also benefit the players.

XP Challenges must be completed

The XP challenges were an excellent addition to NBA 2K21 because they challenge players to meet specific goals while battling the dominance and triple threat offline. For example, playing ten consecutive offline triple threat games while finishing the XP objectives of different players is a fun way to break up the grind.

The weekend and daily XP goals do not yield an immediate amount of advancement, but it will be essential to accumulate these weekly and daily obstacles as the season progresses.

In triple threat offline, keep calling give and go to rack up points

The majority of XP tasks requiring hundreds & thousands of points across many players playing triple threat online is an excellent way to complete each of these. Unfortunately, the give-and-go game can't be stopped since the CPU doesn't safeguard the paint while it's in use.

Research inexpensive players that have an enormous skillset

The people who promote and market the latest release of cards are more likely to exaggerate the more expensive cards due to their higher overall ratings and a wide variety of appeal. After more than one month, it's advised to buy cards at level Ruby level or Amethyst level to be a no-money-spent player.

The demand for Diamond and Pink Diamond cards is heavily overvalued, but they have Ruby and Amethyst players who can be competitive with higher-end cards.

Don’t consume tokens when it is not required

Although you'll earn fewer tokens on the grind than in the previous versions, there are numerous ways to earn tokens for gamers of all levels. There isn't a need to buy all of these tokens immediately for players in the market. It is best to use these tokens when players are strengthening the strength of the current team.

Trade items that have value; do not pursue collector level rewards

For those new to MyTeam, the rewards at the collector level seem appealing due to the benefits that increase in value over time. But the rewards being advertised could be earned via other means, including auction houses or even token rewards.

Review expenses of shoe boosts and badges in the collection

Shoes and badges boost any card loaded with these benefits; however, as an infrequent participant of MyTeam, it is not recommended to accumulate a lot of them.

There are shoe boosters and badges which cost above 5,000 MT coins, but the value and the improvement they bring to players are not enough to justify the cost of MT coins. However, selling them from the collection could lead to forwarding and success due to purchasing additional equipment that can enhance the team from the auction house.

Search and chase free locker codes that 2K passes away

The well-known and hardworking people who created this fantastic video game that millions of players take pleasure in all over the globe give away free codes that offer unidentified prizes that could significantly enhance a team's performance.

Some of these rewards might appear useless to some; however, since they are entirely free, they can be sold at any price, allowing you to add to your MT coins instead of Buy MT 2K22 through spending your money.

If, for instance, there are three or two codes each week, selling these complimentary items with less than 1000 MT coins could give you an enormous boost by combining all of these free coins during the coming weeks.


NBA 2K22 is among the biggest games of the series, with 2K Sports introducing new features and game modes. If you're unfamiliar with the NBA 2K series or are playing the game in the first instance, you'll find these tricks and tips beneficial to help you get ahead of your peers who may not be familiar with these valuable tips. You can also Buy MT 2K22 coins while playing NBA 2K22 to enhance their players and gaming experience; for buying MT coins, we recommend NBA2king as the best, and 100% trusted vendor in the market.