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Top 5 NBA 2K23 Best Defense Badges

Dec-13-2022 PST

Former NBA 2K gamers would know the importance of badges in the game. However, for brand-new players, the badges are indicated to boost a details facet of the Defense of your gameplay in NBA 2K23 MyTeam. There are a lot of badges gamers can access throughout the game—it just costs a certain number of points to acquire them. In NBA 2K23, a number of all the older badges were eliminated or renamed, which caused some confusion amongst the veteran players. However, we have actually obtained you covered! In our overview, we will undoubtedly go through a few of the Best Defense Badges in NBA 2K23 that you must obtain as soon as possible! Because they are as important as NBA 2K23 MT.

It doesn't matter your player's setting; you can never overlook the defensive characteristics. In NBA 2K23, you can turn on its head immediately. To use your defensive abilities well by using defensive badges in the NBA 2K23 game, you must enhance your defensive skills.

Without more ado, let's dive straight into the top 5 practical defensive Badges in NBA 2K23:

NBA 2K23 1st Defense Badge: Menace

The menace badge still holds its position as a top protective badge in NBA 2K23 best defensive badges list. Given that it's straightforward for a gamer with no defense to steal from a dashing Chris Paul, this badge makes it inevitable for all attributes to drop. Especially in Menace, you can drop the characteristics of the opponent if you remain in front of them while playing excellent defense.

Being in front of an offensive player while having this badge geared up will undoubtedly ensure your challenger of, at the very least, a 25% drop in efficiency— you can update Menace to greater badge levels for a lot more success.

NBA 2K23 2nd Defense Badge: Anchor

In listing the best defensive badges, Anchor is one of the Defensive Badges you get in NBA 2K23. You will undoubtedly see the Anchor badge when you reach the defensive Badges screen. It increases your ability to block close shots incredibly and also makes it easier to defend when you need to. It Boosts a player's capacity to obstruct shots and safeguard the edge at a high level.

Anchor is a fantastic defensive badge, particularly if you repeatedly find yourself near the edge obstructing opposing shots. The Badge appears to be most suitable for Goalkeepers, Centers, and also other tall athletes who play on the court at a high level of intensity.

NBA 2K23 3rd Defense Badge: Clamps

The Clamps badge is the best of the best in the Defence badges group. It boosts your potential to stay in front of the sphere handler. The inhibiting face of them can easily lock all of them up as well as push all of them to grab their dribble. Players with the Clamps badge are amongst the much better guardians in the game, and this badge is the primary reason.

Pesky defenders are actually every offending player's headache. The ones who stay with their task, certainly not slackening an inch of the area on the court. When offensive players have the sphere on the boundary, these defensive professionals take advantage of the Clamps badge to guarantee they do not get the better of all of them.

NBA 2K23 4th Defense Badge: Gloves

With this badge, you'll be able to swipe the sphere continuously and effectively from offensive players. This badge is perfect for stealing, and defence is best combined with the Clamp badge. Additionally, this badge will boost your Stealing Component and the Defensive skills of the players. The clamp is very beneficial and shall further suit Shake, Clamps box. Also, this badge can help you get the ball from a player who is about to shoot so you can get the shot off.

NBA 2K23 5th Defense Badge: Pick Dodger

During a defensive situation, a player should be able to navigate around screens and through them in a better manner. The Hall of Fame level of a player is capable of blowing through the park's screens or the blacktop.

In NBA 2K23, the best defenders can weave their way through a pick like it's nothing at all, and the same can be said for the basketball game in general. In order to shut down high-quality scorers and ensure that they stay in front of their man at all times, Pick Dodger will be an indispensable badge among perimeter defenders.

Final Thoughts

Potentially the top 5 exciting badges in the game are those for defense. Besides improving your attributes, they also provide your team with an incredible defensive advantage. If you stick to the approaches laid out in this article, you will come to learn the attributes of these Defensive badges quickly. Winning will also boost your score by default. You can use these points to unlock this badge.